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CDs authored by medical profesionals.

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AN ObGyn Talks Straight to Priests About Sex and Marriage

A Family Practice doctor explains how the Church’s teachings enabled him to be the healer he wanted to be when he became a doctor.

Due to the dominance of contraception,  reproductive medicine has fallen years behind available research in providing the most effective health care with the least harm to patients. On December 8, 2001 some of the best thinkers on this topic gathered at Ann Arbor, MI. The talks from this seminar are presented here. Reproductions of the slides, graphs, and other visuals from the talks are included.
AN ObGyn Talks Straight to Priests About Sex and Marriage
Pivot Points
Rethinking Reproductive Medicine
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Price: $10.95

La Pareja Perfecta Esta pareja tenia salud, un salario de seis cifras, una hermosa casa, dos hijos maravillosos, y una vasectomia. En pocas palabras se sentian miserables.  En esta radio novelo usted descubrira como esta pareja con la gracia de Dios encuentra la sanidad, la plenitudy y la verdadera felicidad.
Milagros es la historia de una pareja que busca ayuda para lograr su anhelo de ser padres.  Despues de un camino de dolor e incertidumbre al no encontrar una solucion afectiva y moralmente aceptable, su fe y esperanza los llevan a recibir mas de un milagro.

Describes the concept of NaproTechnology as a natural technique for solving the problem of infertility while remaining faithful to Catholic social teaching.
La Pareja Perfecta & Milagros
NaProTechnology as an Authentic Treatment for Infertility
Price: $2.00

Price: $8.00