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The value of clergy involvement for leading single people and couples to healthy, constructive sexuality cannot be overestimated. Contraception and sterilization are serious matters, and they are causing great harm to the people of our church and society. People want and need the truth. Don’t be afraid. When Jesus preached the truth, He lost people. But, little by little, He gained even more people. Take courage in the Lord. With God’s grace, and with an openness to conversion, all this is possible. “These time call for people who will look the truth in the eye and call things by their proper names, without yielding to convenient compromise or to the temptation of self-deception.”- Humanae Vitae

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Many couples are realizing that contraception is not a good choice for them. The big question is, "What next?"

Como los hombres jóvenes pueden escoger la verdadera masculinidad.

Find out how chastity is about so much more than saying no to sex but about saying yes to real authentic love and much more!
What Do We Do Now?
20 formas para que los hombres jovenes pueden llegar a ser VERDADEROS hombres.
CODE: P20Msp
Chastity: What Are You Saying Yes To?
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Como las mujeres jóvenes pueden afirmar y defender su valor como personas

Four physicians who do not prescribe hormonal birth control give medical reasons for this decision.

Debido a diversos problemas con la pí­ldora, muchas personas están buscando alternativas. Estos son los principales usos de la pí­ldora, cómo funciona y alternativas eficaces.
20 maneras como las mujeres jóvenes pueden reclamar el respeto que merecen
CODE: P20Wsp
Problems Associated with Hormonal Birth Control
Alternativas para la Pí­ldora
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Cardinal Egan presents a beautiful picture of an unborn, 20 week old baby and challenges the viewer to see what is plainly displayed.

In Marriage: Communion of Life and Love Bishop Galeone deals extensively with questions of contraception and Natural Family Planning.

Cardenal Egan presenta una bella imagen de un bebe antes de nacer de 20 semanas de edad y desafia al espectador a ver lo que la imagen claramente muestra.
Just Look
Marriage: Communion of Life and Love (French)
Tan solo mire
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

"Tunnel of Parenthood: The First Five Years." Now that we have emerged from the Tunnel, I have grown more and more convinced that those were indeed the hardest years.

Un ginecólogo-obstetra nos habla con sentido común y con muchos años de experiencia acerca de la píldora anticonceptiva.

El tunel de la Paternidad, Animo para los primeros cinco años de la crianza de los hijos.
Emily Sederstrand da charlas y es educadora en el tema de la fertilidad. En este folleto narra su experiencia personal en lo que ha llamado el tunel de la paternidad.  Ella describe como los primeros años de la crianza de los hijos son duros, y pueden llevar a tomar decisiones equivocadas que causan despues mucho remordimiento.  Al salir del tunel de la paternidad, las parejas encuentran el reto de dar la bienvenida a un alma mas. y sus futuros hijos se lo agradeceran!
The Tunnel of Parenthood Encouragement for the First Five Years of Parenting
Entendiendo la Pildora Anticonceptiva
El Tunel de la paternidad
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Do you want a more fulfilling, more satisfying relationship with your spouse? Based on the four essential characteristics of authentic marital love, this pamphlet will give you quick yet profound insights and the keys to unlocking your heart and the heart of your beloved.

"Cuando una pareja se da cuenta de que la anticoncepción es una mala opción,¿Qué pueden hacer a continuación? Patty Schneier enfrenta esta crisis, y comparte su sabidurí­a que ha ganado con mucho esfuerzo".

Witness the profound connection between the mystery of Mary, mother of God and the Church's opposition to contraception. Mary's Bodily presence in heaven speaks to all of us of the holiness of our bodies, a holiness that carries obligations.<br /><br />Vealo en Español <a href="javascript:void(0);/*1470176855321*/">aqui</a>
Four Keys to Happy Healthy Marriage
¿Qué hacemos ahora?
Our Lady, Catholics and Contraception
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Sea testigo de la profunda conexión entre el misterio de Marí­a, la madre de Dios y la oposición de la Iglesia a la anticoncepción. La presencia corporal de Marí­a en el cielo nos habla a todos nosotros de la santidad de nuestros cuerpos, una santidad que tiene obligaciones.

 We are talking about various Trisomy conditions, Potter's Syndrome, anencephaly (a neural tube disorder) and many disorders that usually shorten a child's lifespan dramatically causing death within the first few months of life.

Short leaflet (less than 300 words), very clear, totally common sense, supported by the latest research. Message: Condoms do not effectively protect against anything!
Nuestra Senora, los Catolicos y la Anticoncepción
Life-Limiting Prenatal Diagnosis: Hard Cases Close to Home
Condom Sense
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.50

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